COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan
Feyen Zylstra takes the health and safety of our employees extremely seriously. With the spread of COVID-19 and the need for certain employees to continue in-person work, either because they are critical infrastructure workers or they are needed to conduct minimum basic operations for the Company, we are committed to reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 on the job and to promoting healthy and safe workplace practices for all employees.
This Plan is based on information and guidance from the CDC and OSHA at the time of its development, and is subject to change based on further information provided by the CDC, OSHA, and other public officials. We are following the guidance of experts as we respond to this outbreak.
We have identified the following potential sources of possible spread of COVID-19 in the workplace:
- Customers
- Co-workers
- Other Trades
- Vendors
- Visitors
- The general public
Our employees fall into the following categories:
- Lower exposure risk: the work performed does not require direct contact with people known or suspected to be infected with COVID-19 or frequent close contact with the public.
- Medium exposure risk: the work performed requires frequent and/or close contact with people who may be infected with COVID-19 but who are not known COVID-19 patients, or contact with the general public in areas where there is ongoing community transmission.
We have designated the following individual as our COVID-19 Workplace Coordinator: Brandi Didlott, Director of Safety. The Coordinator is supported by a COVID-19 Response Team made up of representatives from Safety, People Services, Operations, Purchasing, Marketing, Corporate Communications, and Employee Benefits who meet regularly to review all current COVID-19 practices, discuss changing guidance and trends, and take proactive actions to help ensure the safety of FZ employees, customers and partners. The Coordinator is responsible for staying abreast of federal, state and local guidance and incorporating those recommendations into the Company’s workplace. The Coordinator is also responsible for reviewing human resources policies and practices to make sure that they are consistent with this Plan and existing federal, state and local requirements.
The Coordinator can be reached at the following:
Phone number: 724-717-3443
Email address:
Local Coordinators can be reached at the following:
Nashville / National Industrial – James Dugger
Phone: 615-330-2099 – Email:
Grand Rapids / Kalamazoo / Traverse City – Phillip Schaffer
Phone: 616-490-5250 – Email:
Charleston – Brandi Didlott
Phone: 724-717-3443 – Email:
Anonymous Core Values Hotline available 24/7 for employee concerns about COVID-19, safety or other issues: 844-415-9865
All FZ Leaders (managers and supervisors) must be familiar with this Plan and be ready to answer questions from employees. Leaders must set a good example by following this Plan and all FZ guidance at all times. This involves practicing good personal hygiene and following all COVID-19 and safety practices to prevent the spread of the virus. Leaders must encourage this same behavior from all employees.
The Company is asking every one of our employees to help with our prevention efforts while at work. In order to minimize the spread of COVID-19 at our worksite(s), everyone must play their part. As set forth below, we have instituted various housekeeping, social distancing, and other best practices at our workplace(s) to minimize exposure to COVID-19 and prevent its spread in the workplace. All employees must follow these best practices at all times for them to be effective. Beyond these best practices, we require employees to report immediately to their managers or supervisors if they are experiencing signs or symptoms of COVID-19, as described below. If employees have a specific question about this Plan or COVID-19, they should ask their manager or supervisor or contact their local Safety Director, email Safety at, or email People Services at
OSHA and the CDC have provided the following control and preventative guidance for all workers, regardless of exposure risk:
- Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. When soap and running water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Follow appropriate respiratory etiquette, which includes covering for coughs and sneezes.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- While COVID-19 is a pandemic, maintain appropriate social distance of six feet to the greatest extent possible.
In addition, employees must familiarize themselves with the symptoms and exposure risks of COVID-19. The primary symptoms of COVID-19 include the following:
- Dry cough
- Fever (either feeling feverish or a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher)
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Chills
- Muscle pain
- Sore throat
- New loss of taste or smell
- Other less common symptoms include gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
Individuals with the following symptoms should seek emergency medical attention immediately:
- Trouble breathing
- Persistent pain or pressuring in the chest
- New confusion or inability to awaken
- Bluish lips or face
If employees develop a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as an atypical cough or shortness of breath, they must not report to work, notify their supervisor immediately, and consult their healthcare provider or complete a virtual visit with a medical provider. Employees must also contact their local Safety Director. Likewise, if employees come into close contact with someone showing these symptoms, they must notify their supervisor immediately and consult their healthcare provider or complete a virtual visit with a medical provider. Employees must also contact their local Safety Director. FZ and the local health department will work to identify any employees who may have had close contact with individuals with COVID-19 symptoms.
“Close contact” is not brief or incidental contact with a person with COVID-19 symptoms. Instead, the CDC defines “close contact” as either:
- Being within approximately six feet of a COVID-19 infected person or a person with any COVID-19 symptom(s) for a “prolonged period of time;” or
- Having direct contact with infectious secretions of a COVID-19 infected person or a person with any COVID-19 symptom(s) (e.g., being coughed on).
There is no precise definition of “prolonged period of time.” CDC estimates range from 10 to 30 minutes. To protect employees, we are using the lower end of this range and consider a prolonged period to be 10 or more minutes of exposure.
Beginning March 17, 2020, FZ required the majority of our employees in all FZ offices to work remotely through the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic. This does not include those employees directly responsible for the day-to-day operations of the business, such as prefabrication, warehouse, delivery, and those handling mail. Project Managers and Account Managers are encouraged to work on project sites when possible to ensure sufficient support to our field teams and to help ensure all COVID-19 safety protocols are being followed.
Beginning March 11, 2020, FZ instructed employees to conduct virtual meetings with visitors, guests, and other FZ locations vs. meeting in person until further notice. We encouraged FZers to switch currently scheduled meetings over to Microsoft Teams or Skype and schedule future meetings as virtual. This included any and all meetings with participants outside our locations, including FZers from other locations.
Beginning March 11, 2020, FZ issued guidance that all non-essential visitors to all FZ locations (offices and job site trailers – any space we own/operate) are discouraged until further notice. This restriction applies to vendors, suppliers, salespeople, tour groups, unsolicited visitors, and any non-FZ employee. Virtual meetings were recommended as an alternative. We instructed front desk staff to:
- Post a Visitor Notice, communicating we are working remotely at the front entrance.
- Log visitors using the visitors log.
- Review the guidelines with visitors as they check in and kindly ask that if they fall into the categories listed that they leave AND reschedule their meeting with their FZ contact.
- Be sure to have the Cover Your Cough posters in bathrooms and common areas.
- Make sure soap is well stocked and hand sanitizer is available in all common areas.
- Make sure disinfecting wipes (like Clorox Wipes) are available in all common areas, and used frequently on shared surfaces (counters, handles, etc.)
FZ is taking the following steps to minimize exposure from co-workers to COVID-19 in addition to those provided by OSHA and the CDC:
- Educate employees on protective behaviors that reduce the spread of COVID-19 and provide employees with the necessary tools for these protective behaviors, including the following:
- Post CDC information, including recommendations on risk factors at home and in the community
- Inform employees of the importance of good hand hygiene. Regularly washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is one of the most effective ways for employees to minimize exposure to COVID-19.
- If soap and water are not readily available, employees should use alcohol-based hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol. If hands are visibly dirty, soap and water should be chosen over hand sanitizer.
- Encourage good hand hygiene by ensuring that adequate supplies of soap and hand sanitizer are maintained and placing hand sanitizers in multiple locations. Provide hand sanitizer to each employee for their own personal use while working on a job site or customer site.
- Discourage handshaking and instead encourage the use of other noncontact methods of greeting.
- Avoid other employees’ phones, desks, offices, other work tools and equipment, and other commonly touched surfaces when possible. If necessary, clean and disinfect them before and after use.
- Avoid sharing food utensils and food with other employees.
- Encourage and require social distancing to the greatest extent possible while in the workplace.
- Encourage employees to minimize ridesharing. While in vehicles, employees must ensure adequate ventilation.
- Develop protocol for social distancing practices
- Evaluate areas in which employees work within 6 feet of each other and determine options to increase distance apart
- Limit in-person meetings
- Restrict the number of workers present on-site to no more than necessary
- Consider staggered shifts, break times, etc.
- Consider new shifts
- Promote remote work as much as possible
- Deliver products through curb-side pick-up or delivery
- Restrict employees from the workplace if they display symptoms of COVID-19:
- Participate in health assessments and/or questionnaires prior to entry to workplace when required by general contractors or customers
- Immediately separate any employee with symptoms from other individuals and send him/her home
- Actively encourage sick employees to stay home
- Apply available paid time off options and flexible attendance requirements
- Follow local health department, state, and federal guidance for return to work
- Implement protocol for return to work after symptoms of COVID-19
- Actively encourage employees to stay home if they have been in close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19
- Apply available paid time off options and flexible attendance requirements
- Follow state and federal guidance for return to work
- Implement protocol for return to work after potential exposure to COVID-19
FZ has developed the following safety rules which are to be followed when on a jobsite or customer location – including construction sites and existing spaces in manufacturing, commercial buildings, healthcare facilities, universities and other project spaces.
- Frequently wash hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol based.
- Use Clorox/disinfectant wipes on common services (break tables, common tools).
- Do not use tools or equipment belonging to other employees or clean between use.
Social distancing
- Keep 6 feet or more distance between employees and all others on site – reduce the amount of staff onsite if needed to ensure distancing.
- Stagger breaks – limit the amount of people in break trailers, eat lunch in car if possible, avoid large groups unless properly spaced out.
- If jobsite/customer permits, preform toolbox talks, morning meetings, and close of day meetings outdoors or in large spaces instead of jobsite trailers or small meeting rooms.
- Employees should evaluate their own health each morning and stay home if they have any signs of any illness.
- If you become sick, go home immediately and report this to your supervisor.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. If a tissue isn’t available use upper sleeve.
- For HIPAA compliance reasons, don’t discuss employee illnesses with other employees.
- Make sure new people coming onsite know site specific guidance (GC or customers specific check in processes/forms, handwashing stations, etc.).
The CDC encourages wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission. The purpose of mask-wearing is to protect the uninfected from those who may be silently carrying and spreading the virus unknowingly.
FZ Guidelines for Mask Use
Employees may use their own cloth face masks such as a bandana or a mask made at home from common material, such as an old clean t-shirt or other fabric. FZ will also be providing two cloth face masks to each active field employee to use:
- When a General Contractor or Customer requires them to be worn onsite,
- When social distancing of 6 ft or more cannot be maintained on a job site or during the completion of a task,
- And on a voluntary basis for employees who wish to wear them while working.
When are Masks Required?
When a General Contractor or Customer requires use or when an FZer cannot work or complete a task while maintaining social distancing of 6ft. or greater – a cloth face mask must be worn.
How to Wear a Cloth Mask
Before putting a mask on, individuals should wash their hands or use hand sanitizer to prevent cross-contamination of the mask. Once on, employees should refrain from touching the mask with their hands unless necessary. Hands should be washed or sanitized before and after adjusting the mask. Cloth face coverings should:
- fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face,
- be secured with ties or ear loops,
- and allow for breathing without restriction.
How to Safely Remove a Used Face Mask
Masks should be removed by taking the straps behind the ears off and pulling the mask forward by the straps, avoiding touching the portion that covers the face. Individuals should be careful not to touch their eyes, nose, and mouth when removing their face masks. Place the reusable mask in bag or pouch for cleaning later. Do not reuse that same bag for storing clean masks. Wash or sanitize hands immediately after removing a mask and before touching other surfaces.
How to Clean & Store Cloth Face Masks
Cloth facemasks can be machine washed in warm water with regular laundry detergent or washed by hand with hot water and laundry detergent. Face masks may be machine dried on low or air dried at home. Masks should be stored in a clean place – a Ziploc bag, a clean pocket, or pouch. Do not store clean masks in tool bags or other areas where they are exposed to non-clean surfaces.
FZ has issued the following guidance to our Safety Team and Leaders for direction on how to handle an outbreak of COVID-19 within our workforce or amongst those individuals with whom our team may be interacting for work purposes.
FZ Response to COVID-19 Employee Outbreak
This section provides guidance for when an FZ employee tests positive for COVID-19 by helping protect employees who were at risk for contracting COVID-19 (C19) from a co-worker and limiting the spread of the virus in the organization and community. FZ works with the local Health Department to ensure alignment with their guidelines for the safety of FZers.
Initial Communication
Upon discovering an employee has tested positive for COVID-19, ensure the following people are made aware ASAP:
Safety Director, Employee’s direct supervisor/leader, Branch Director or Functional Director, Vice President of Field Ops (if ES related), Vice President of People, head of Business Unit/Shared Services Function.
Communicating with the Affected Employee
The Affected Employee is the person who has tested positive for COVID-19. When communicating with the Affected Employee, remember to use compassion and empathy toward their situation and physical wellbeing.
Collect a close contact list from the employee. The local health department will also request this list from the employee but it may take up to 24 hours from receiving positive test results from the physician for the Health Department to reach out.
- In the two days prior to the initial start of your symptoms, what FZ employees, customers or trades have you come into contact with, for whom you were closer than 6ft for greater than 10 minutes?
- What date where you with person X (the person or persons in response to the prior question)?
- Where were you and person X when you were less than 6ft apart? How long were you working together within the recommended safe distance of 6 ft?
- What task were you and person X working on?
- Were you or person X wearing masks at the time of exposure?
Generate a list of job sites or offices the Affected Employee visited while symptomatic and in the two days prior to being symptomatic.
- Assign cleaning crew to clean shared tools or work areas immediately.
- Gloves, mask, and safety glasses should be worn while cleaning.
- Clean using appropriate disinfectant wipes following the manufacturer recommendations.
Once these lists are compiled, brief the individuals in the Initial Communication on the potential impact to the business prior to removing any other employees from a job site.
Communicating with Exposed Employees
Exposed employees are those employees who are listed on the Affected Employees close contact list. Prior to sending any employee home, communicate with those individual’s supervisors and ensure work coverage is immediately available. The exposed employee’s supervisor should be made aware of the date and time that the employee was exposed.
- Contact exposed employee with their supervisor and inform them they were listed as a “close contact” of an FZ employee that recently tested positive for COVID-19.
- Inform exposed employee they will need to self-quarantine for 14 days starting from the date of contact and may return to work after the time period has expired provided they are symptom free.
- The identity of the Affected Employee should not be disclosed to other employees. It may be shared with leadership at FZ or our customers for purposes of contact tracing.
Job Site and Customer Relations
- The Branch Director, Group Leader, or Project Manager should designate an individual to communicate with customers.
- Safety and Site Leadership will create a plan for communicating to FZ employees on potentially affected job sites.
- FZ employees who did not come in close contact the Affected Employee but work closely with the Exposed Employee are not directed to quarantine per CDC and the Health Department recommendations. Those employees should monitor their symptoms for 14 days.
Ongoing Communication
- Continually communicate with Affected Employee during their recovery time.
- Affected (positive) Employees cannot return to work until they are symptom free for 72 hours AND at least 7 days have passed since the onset of their symptoms.
- Check in with Exposed Employees periodically and 24 hours before anticipated return to work date.
- Project Managers or Site Leaders inform customers when Affected and Exposed Employees have safely returned to the project.
3rd Party Exposures
If an FZ employee believes they were potentially exposed to a customer, vendor or 3rd party person who has tested positive for COVID-19, that employee should immediately report to Safety the following information:
- Who do they believe they were exposed to that is positive and why do they believe they were exposed?
- Where does the other individual who tested positive work? What is the contact information for their organization?
- What date where you with person X?
- Where were you and person X when you were less than 6ft apart? How long were you working together within the recommended safe distance of 6 ft?
- What task were you and person X working on?
- Were you or person X wearing masks at the time of exposure?
- What date did the positive person start experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19?
Safety will use this information to assist the employee with appropriate quarantine measures, including contacting the third party, if necessary. If the above information is not available, Safety will reach out to the customer, vendor or other 3rd party to determine potential exposure.
Safety will coordinate with the People Services, the Project Team, and the customer to implement protocol for return to work. This could include:
- Performing increased routine environmental cleaning and disinfection
- Instruct employees sanitize the work areas upon arrival, throughout the workday, and immediately before departure
- Routinely clean and disinfect all frequently touched surfaces in the workplace, such as workstations, keyboards, telephones, handrails, and doorknobs.
- Providing disposable wipes so that commonly used surfaces (for example, doorknobs, keyboards, remote controls, desks, other work tools and equipment) can be wiped down by employees before each use.
- Maintaining Safety Data Sheets of all disinfectants used on site
FZ has issued the following guidance to all employees regarding business and personal travel during the COVID-19 outbreak. These travel policies, as with all other COVID-19 policies, will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and will change as needed based on CDC, federal, and state guidance.
Business Travel
Out of an abundance of caution, we are restricting all non-essential business travel within the United States or internationally through May 31, 2020. This restriction applies to mass transportation, primarily air travel, that requires overnight/out of state travel. Travel by personal vehicle is allowed. Travel for the purpose of attending training, conferences, or internal meetings is considered non-essential travel. Communication was issued to provide further recommendations regarding travel for essential work. Our goal is to continue to follow CDC, federal and state guidance to help keep FZers safe when they are traveling for work and encourage FZers to consider how their personal travel may impact the safety of those they work with at this time.
Our customers are relying on us to solve their complex problems and sometimes that requires us to travel out of state to complete their work. At this time, we are only allowing business travel outside of an employee’s local state for work that is essential.
- Essential work must be approved by the respective Director and coordinated with Safety to ensure that the FZers are comfortable traveling and are equipped with the appropriate PPE, disinfectant supplies, and guidelines to keep them safe while traveling.
- All COVID-19 Jobsite Safety Rules remain mandatory while on customer sites.
- Customers may have additional guidelines they will require such as health questionnaires and temperature checks.
- All FZers are to alert their leader and Safety upon returning home and prior to returning to work.
Personal Travel
We encourage employees to thoughtfully consider vacation travel outside their local area and keep in mind the recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID 19. Limiting personal travel will help ensure our employees, their families and their coworkers stay healthy. Ultimately, the choice to travel personally is up to each employee. That being said, we have a responsibility to keep all FZers safe, which means personal travel may affect an employee’s ability to return to work promptly. Should an FZer choose to travel out-of-state or to a “high transmission” area within a state during their personal time, we ask:
- They alert their leader and Safety and follow the CDC travel guidance for the safety of all other FZers who may be exposed to that employee upon their return.
- An employee who travels out of state or to a high transmission area may be asked to stay home, be tested for COVID-19, or work remotely if possible upon their return.
Minimizing exposure from customers/other trades
- FZ has closed all of its offices and directed staff to work remotely in compliance with all state directed stay home orders and federal guidance. FZ will keep its office closed to employees, customers, vendors and visitors until federal and state guidance allows them to open AND the appropriate safety protocols can be implemented.
- FZ continues to support Critical Work as defined by federal and state guidance and has designated Essential Employees required to support Critical Work or the operations of the business. FZ has also designed Essential Suppliers.
- FZ has issued COVID-19 safety protocols that must be followed while on job sites or customer locations and has directed all employees to adhere to additional customer specific requirements on our construction sites, job sites or customer sites.
- FZ has provided information on COVID-19 (what it is, the symptoms, when to seek treatment, when to stay home, who to contact, and safety protocols) to all FZers. This information is monitored by our Response Team and updated as it changes.
- FZ will follow all social distancing guidelines and safety practices when working with or alongside other trades and will expect other trades to do the same. Employee concerns about the COVID-19 safety practices of other trades should be raised with FZ Leadership and Safety. FZ will work with the General Contractor or Customer to address those concerns and achieve resolution to ensure the safety of all.
Minimizing exposure from visitors/vendors
- FZ has restricted all non-essential visitors and vendors from being onsite in our offices, job sites, job trailers, or customer sites.
- Visitors and vendors must be approved in advance and have an essential business reason for being onsite.
- Some examples include safety audits, COVID-19 inspections, supply delivery.
- When visitors and vendors must be present, their number will be limited and they will be required to follow all FZ COVID-19 safety protocols and to comply with all protocols required by the general contractor or customer, including temperature and health screening.
- If the general contractor or customer is not completing temperature or health screening, the visitor or vendor will be required to comply with FZ’s temperature and health screening.
- FZ has advised all Suppliers of their essential nature and requirement to support the essential work of FZ and FZ’s customers.
- Suppliers have been told they may not be on site except for the delivery of business-critical goods and services. Some examples include cleaning activities, the delivery of goods and services needed to maintain business operations.
- Supply chain sources are continually being monitored to ensure supply of all necessary materials, services and other goods, including PPE and other safety measures related to COVID-19.
- Alternate suppliers have been sourced to ensure sufficient supply.
- Our Response Team identifies potential high demand items in advance and coordinates with Purchasing to ensure sufficient quantity for all FZ locations and sites.
Minimizing exposure from the general public
- FZ is not allowing members of the general public to be present in our work environment at this time. This includes FZ offices, vehicles, job sites, job site trailers, and customer sites. Be prepared to change business practices if needed to maintain critical operations (e.g., identify alternative suppliers, prioritize existing customers, or temporarily suspend some of your operations if needed).
- FZ is not allowing members of the general public to be present in our work environment at this time. This includes FZ offices, vehicles, job sites, job site trailers, and customer sites. Be prepared to change business practices if needed to maintain critical operations (e.g., identify alternative suppliers, prioritize existing customers, or temporarily suspend some of your operations if needed).
FZ is looking forward to the reopening of its offices when possible. Upon return, FZ will put additional guidelines in place to ensure the safety of FZers, customers and partners. These guidelines are likely to include items like the following:
- Evaluating engineering controls for the building ventilation system with the goal of:
- Increasing ventilation rates and increasing the percentage of outdoor air that circulates into the system
- Developing an online Health Screening to ensure well-being prior to the start of work each day
- Evaluate options for employees at a higher risk for serious illness due to COVID-19
- Continuing to monitor illness and respond to absenteeism.
- Implement plans to continue essential business functions in case we experience higher than usual absenteeism.
- Continuing to cross-train employees to perform essential functions so the workplace can operate even if key employees are absent.